The Borax & Chemical Corporation presents…This is Keith Paesel Keith, now a professional race car driver, enters the Nashville 500 and Smokes foo’s. Later that…
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“Dances with Dendrophilia” (10TKP17-355)
The Borax & Chemical Corporation presents…This is Keith Paesel A curmudgeonly marketing executive (Adam Kroshus) gets stranded in a small Vermont town. He is forced…
Continue Reading....“Keith Was A Male War Bride” (10TKP15 – 353)
The Borax & Chemical Corporation presents…This is Keith Paesel A Tough Philly Cop is partnered with a guy from the suburbs. Dwayne reveals his secret…
Continue Reading....“Crime, Per Se” (10TKP14 – 352)
The Borax & Chemical Corporation Presents…This is Keith Paesel At a bowling alley The boys battle a bully; Even the presence of Wayne Newton doesn’t…
Continue Reading....A Fine ROM-ance (10TKP13-351)
The Borax and Chemical Corporation Presents “This is Keith Paesel.” Dr. Kartha mysteriously disappears. Tommy and Cole complain that Martin’s wedding ring frightens off single…
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